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How well do you understand the ‘weight plateau’?

5 min. read

It is time to test your knowledge! Have you got what it takes to score 5/5?

Make sure you understand all about the weight plateau, and strengthen your knowledge about how to overcome one before you try this quiz.

Question 1 of 5

Ready for a little trivia? Let’s see how much you have learnt about the weight plateau…

Question 1

What is a ‘weight plateau’?

The experience of a weight plateau a physiologic process (the way elements in your body work together to allow you to function). A weight plateau is extremely common for people looking to reduce their weight. It may not be because your habits have changed, which can make it feel even more frustrated. Rest assured that it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to reduce your weight any further.

Question 2

What percentage of obesity is related to genetics (meaning inherited from your parents or grandparents)?

For many people, obesity will be influenced by genetics. This is just one of the many reasons obesity is classified as a disease!

Question 3

What is the name of the hormones found in your stomach that exhibit feelings of hunger?

Ghrelin levels rise during periods in between eating (fasting), and slowly reduce during food consumption – leading to the feeling of satisfaction. For people living with obesity who have tried reducing their weight in the past, ghrelin levels can rise, leading to an increase in appetite or weight regain after a period of weight reduction.

Question 4

True or false – setting achievable and sustainable weight reduction goals can reduce the mental impact of a weight plateau

While many can feel frustrated by a weight plateau – those who have worked with a specialist to set personal and sustainable goals may be able to view the weight plateau as a sense of achievement. After all – it typically happens after a period of substantial weight loss!

Question 5

What percentage of people experience a ‘weight plateau’ during efforts to reduce their weight?

Studies have shown that only around 10-20% of people maintain weight reduction past 24 weeks, even after calorie-controlled eating. If you are experiencing a period of weight plateau, don’t give up! It is very common and with the right support, you can continue your journey.

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What is a ‘weight plateau’?

That’s correct! Nice job

Sorry, that’s not quite right. Learn more about the weight plateau now

Understanding the weight plateau
What percentage of obesity is related to genetics (meaning inherited from your parents or grandparents)?

That’s correct! Nice job

Sorry, that’s not quite right. Learn more about the obesity and genetics now

Obesity & genetics
What is the name of the hormones found in your stomach that exhibit feelings of hunger?

That’s correct! Nice job

Sorry, that’s not quite right. Learn more about the obesity and hormones now

Obesity & hormones
True or false – setting achievable and sustainable weight reduction goals can reduce the mental impact of a weight plateau

That’s correct! Nice job

Sorry, that’s not quite right. Learn more about overcoming a weight plateau now

Overcoming a weight plateau
What percentage of people experience a ‘weight plateau’ during efforts to reduce their weight?

That’s correct! Nice job

Sorry, that’s not quite right. Learn more the weight plateau now

Understanding a weight plateau

How did you do? Feel inspired to understand more about obesity? Keep reading now.


  1. Libretexts (2023) 1.1b: Defining physiology, Medicine LibreTexts. Available at: https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Anatomy_and_Physiology_(Boundless)/1%3A_Introduction_to_Anatomy_and_Physiology/1.1%3A_Overview_of_Anatomy_and_Physiology/1.1B%3A_Defining_Physiology Last Accessed: March 2024).

  2. Hall KD, Kahan S. Maintenance of Lost Weight and Long-Term Management of Obesity. Med Clin North Am. 2018 Jan;102(1):183-197. doi: 10.1016/j.mcna.2017.08.012. PMID: 29156185; PMCID: PMC5764193.

  3. Loos, R.J. and Yeo, G.S. (2021) ‘The genetics of obesity: From Discovery to Biology’, Nature Reviews Genetics, 23(2), pp. 120–133. doi:10.1038/s41576-021-00414-z.

  4. Proietto J. Chemical messengers: how hormones make us feel hungry and full. The Conversation 2015: https://theconversation.com/chemical-messengers-how-hormones-make-us-feel-hungry-and-full-35545. Last accessed: March 2024

  5. Lau DCW, Wharton S. Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Science of Obesity. Available from: https://obesitycanada.ca/guidelines/science. Accessed December 2023

  6. Vallis TM, Macklin D, Russell-Mayhew S. Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines: Effective Psychological and Behavioural Interventions in Obesity Management. Available from: https://obesitycanada.ca/guidelines/behavioural. Last accessed: March2024

  7. Sarwan G, Rehman A. Management of Weight Loss Plateau. [Updated 2022 Oct 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK576400/


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