How self-care leads to improved outcomes in obesity
Flight attendants have reminded us to prioritize our own mask for
decades. However, tending to our own needs before helping others makes
as much sense in our daily life, as it does in case of an in-flight
emergency. While it might appear selfish at first, self-care plays an
instrumental role in successful weight management efforts.
Dr Michael Vallis
October 2020
What is the difference between self-care and selfishness? Would it
surprise you to know that people living with obesity have to
constantly navigate the world of judgement and stigma?
surprise to know then that individuals living with obesity
seek to avoid criticism by becoming sensitive to others and often will
adjust their behaviour
to avoid criticism.
This leads to two worries for me as a psychologist. One: this
dynamic sets people up to become people pleasers. Two: this pattern
erodes self-esteem
because no matter what a person living with obesity does, stigma is
unavoidable. You may have heard the sentiment that bias
against obesity is one of the last acceptable biases.
”Humans are social beings and as a result, for most of us, we are
sensitive to others’ feelings toward and attitudes about us.”
Humans are social beings and as a result, for most of us, we are sensitive
to others’ feelings toward and attitudes about us. So, we can be
easily hurt. In fact,
unlike the childhood rhyme sticks and stones can break my bones but
words… words can definitely wound me.
can be fragile. We take knocks and scrapes and bumps and bruises
as we go through life. Now, this is true for all of us, regardless of
how strong our self-esteem is. What about those with low self-esteem?
How much can they take before there is nothing left at the bottom of
that bucket?
So, this tells us that self-esteem needs to be protected, repaired
and rejuvenated. This requires self-care,
self-compassion and kindness. Not so easy if you feel bad about
yourself, and if you face constant
criticism (explicit or implied).
Much of our behaviour can be understood through the lens of
psychological drives. Would it surprise you to know that our drives
can be summarized quite simply? Most of us can describe our basic
drives as some degree of combination of two main drives.
”Self-esteem needs to be protected, repaired and rejuvenated. This
requires self-care, self-compassion and kindness.”
First, the drive to make a difference, to accomplish something
worthwhile (many people want to make a mark on the world, to leave
something behind). We call this achievement motivation. Second, and at
the same time, we want to have meaningful, deep connections to others
(we want to be cared about, we don’t want to die alone). We call this
affiliation motivation. Some people have a balance between these two
drives, some people are stronger in one area than another.
If you have a strong achievement motivation you will likely be the
type of a person who is hard working, responsible and accountable.
Great traits, but they might get in the way of self-care.
If you have a personal need but have a deadline or a commitment, a
person with high achievement motivation will put their needs
aside and make their commitment.
Now if you have a strong affiliation motivation, you will likely be
the type of person who is kind, reliable and supportive. Great traits,
but they may get in the way of self-care
as well. If you have a personal need but someone you care about needs
support a person with high affiliation motivation will put their needs
aside and take care of the needs
of others.
”For a number of reasons, it is easy for people to put their personal
needs second.”
I think you can see what I am getting at. For a number of reasons, it
is easy for people to put their personal needs second. Now, let’s
revisit my question: what is the difference between self-care
and selfishness?
If you have low self-esteem, if you have developed the pattern of
putting your needs below either the things you need to accomplish or
the needs of others, focusing on your needs will take time and energy
away from these external drives.
After all, we only have so much time, so much energy, so much money,
etc. It can be easy for people to initially be uncomfortable with
diverting energy, time, money to personal needs. You may accomplish
less or you may not be as attentive to the needs of others. This is
where the confusion between self-care and selfishness comes in.
health requires us to meet our own needs. Self-care
is critical. In fact, it is necessary and a right that we have.
I really like the expression “bring me your best”. Let me explain.
”Psychological health requires us to meet our own needs. Self-care is
critical. In fact, it is necessary and a right that we have.”
Think about when you are at your best, when everything comes together
and you are thinking, feeling and acting like the person you most want
to be. This best
self will put you in a situation where you are likely to do your
best work or be the most sensitive and caring. In other words, both
achievement motivation and affiliation motivation are linked to self-care.
It is true that you can travel a far distance ignoring your own
needs, but usually, things don't
work out well in the long run. For instance, have you ever
wondered why suicide rates are so high amongst physicians?
Well, even though medicine is a very noble profession that generally
pays well and is treated with a high level of societal respect,
physicians are caregivers.
And if we look at the other side of the coin, being a physician may
be very stressful.
It involves attending to never ending demands for service and dealing
with medical tragedy on a regular basis. Imagine being a surgeon and
despite your best efforts the person on the table dies. Now imagine if
this happens repeatedly over the years through no fault of your own.
”It is true that you can travel a far distance ignoring your own
needs, but usually, things don't work out well in the long run.”
is required to prevent burnout, depression
and addictions
– all of which contribute to the high suicide rates of physicians.
Here is a second story. Have you ever heard of the successful
business person who achieves great wealth, working
24/7 and accumulating more and more? But as all this wealth
accumulates it is at the cost of having no time to focus on personal
needs or relationships. This story doesn’t end well. The person might
end up alone and in poor health.
We commonly see people
in these situations dying of heart attacks at a young age. Self-care
is required to prevent this drifting away of important
relationships (spouse, children, family and friends) and the
drifting away of health
(weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease).
”Self-care is required to prevent this drifting away of important
relationships (spouse, children, family and friends) and the drifting
away of health (weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease).”
I hope I have convinced you that to be your best you need to address
your personal needs. Let me end this blog by repeating something that
I said in a previous
blog. Self-esteem is the esteem that you have about yourself;
sorry if that sounds simple. Hang on, in some ways maybe it could be simpler.
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Puhl RM, Heuer CA. The stigma of obesity: a review and update.
Obes Silver Spring. 2009 May;17(5):941–64.
Clarke DE.
Measures of Achievement and Affiliation Motivation. Rev Educ Res.
Hilbert A, Braehler E, Schmidt R, Löwe B,
Häuser W, Zenger M. Self-Compassion as a Resource in the Self-Stigma
Process of Overweight and Obese Individuals. Obes Facts.
Murakami JM, Latner JD. Weight acceptance
versus body dissatisfaction: Effects on stigma, perceived
self-esteem, and perceived psychopathology. Eat Behav. 2015
Science is gold and talk is king. Telehealth allows healthcare providers
to combine both and reign in a world where staying in touch and keeping
the conversation going are the pillars of care that not even a pandemic
can shake.
Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from your weight and
height. It’s not a precise calculation of percentage of body fat, but it
is an easy way to determine where your weight falls in the range from
healthy to unhealthy.