The hidden cost of obesity
From the direct costs of medications and medical care to the indirect expenses of mental health support and career limitations, the financial burden of obesity can be substantial and far-reaching.
When we talk about living with obesity, conversations usually revolve around BMI, the number on the scale and the various physical health difficulties associated with excess weight. As a result, the focus on issues such as the increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and heart disease often overshadow another equally important aspect of obesity - the toll it can take on your mental and emotional wellbeing.
The psychological impacts of obesity are profound and complex. As highlighted by a recent survey, these impacts can deeply affect people’s mental wellbeing and quality of life by making daily activities like socialising, working or travelling more challenging. This article aims to shed light on the psychological effects of obesity and the stigma that exacerbates these issues, offering insights into understanding, empathy, and support for those affected.
Obesity and mental health share a complex, two-way relationship. Stigma, discrimination, and societal pressures can lead to a host of psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. In turn, these issues can affect physical health, eating patterns and weight management. For example, feeling down can lead you eat more frequently than you’d like; harsh comments can make your self-esteem plummet. These consequences can, unfortunately, result in a vicious cycle of weight gain and emotional distress.
Our survey demonstrates that this cycle is linked to a significant economic burden, with an average yearly spend of $340.50 USD on mental health support by those living with obesity. It’s a difficult cycle, but understanding the connection is the first step towards breaking it.
It has been observed that mental health issues are higher among teenagers living with obesity compared to their normal-weight peers.
How you view yourself in the mirror can deeply influence how you feel about yourself and your overall happiness. Weight stigma, the negative societal attitudes and beliefs associated with living with obesity, is often a daily experience for people living with obesity and can profoundly affect how they view themselves. A negative body image can chip away at self-worth, impacting happiness and interactions with others. It can make activities such as hanging out outdoors, keeping the house in order, or enjoying time with friends feel a lot harder.
According to a recent survey, 74% of respondents living with obesity reported a significant decline in their ability to engage in outdoor activities, followed by challenges in managing household duties (66%) and strained social lives (62%).
It doesn’t stop there; a negative body image can extend to the workplace, reducing productivity and knocking individuals’ sense of job security out of fear that they may lose their jobs due to excess weight.
Navigating the emotional and mental hurdles of obesity can be as challenging as the physical aspects. Battling societal judgement, feelings of low self-esteem and emotional distress can all feel like barriers on your journey towards health, so finding effective ways to manage them is crucial.
Seeking support from therapists or counsellors can provide a safe space to address mental health concerns and develop effective coping strategies. It is just as important to build a supportive network of friends, family and healthcare team who appreciate and value individuals beyond their weight. This circle of support for who you are, not what you weigh, can improve emotional resilience and set the stage for a more fulfilling and sustained path to wellness. If you’re interested in learning more about weight stigma and the importance of the language around obesity, read our article ‘Obesity and language: Why the way we talk about obesity matters’.
Like other types of bias and discrimination, weight stigma can have a significant impact on people’s mental health and lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. However, it is important to remember that weight stigma is not a reflection of individual failure, but a societal problem that demands collective action. By treating ourselves and others with kindness, we can foster an environment of support and body acceptance while challenging harmful narratives and biases.
Let’s work together to create a world where everyone, regardless of their weight, feels valued and empowered to live their best life.